JP Med Design
Design For Sales
To have customers take the product off the shelves when there is no sales rep in sight, you need to establish a habit (read Charles Duhig's "The Power of Habit" for more details.)

To create a habit, you need a cue that initiates the customer to use your product, a response to the cue (actually using the product), and feedback to demonstrate success. Think of stents, which have one of the cleanest habit formation loops of any device:
Cue: The patient presents with symptoms of a clogged artery. Fluoroscopic examination confirms stenosis, which is a great cue to use a stent - but whose stent? What patient cohort was your product tested with? What sizes are available? What contra-indications do you have? If you don't get the cue right, you are not even in the game.
Response: Deploy a stent. This is where most technical teams focus their attention, and if you match your competitor's Cue and Feedback, reliability and ease of use can give you a solid competitive advantage.
Feedback: Fluoroscopic examination shows the stent where the stenosis used to be, and contrast injection shows flow through the area of the lesion. Stents that show up better on fluoro than their competition have an advantage in feedback.
Other devices are not so straightforward, but if you want customers to use your product, make sure your design competes well in all three above categories (Cue, Response, Fedback).