JP Med Design

FEA analysis of Elixir's novel DynamX Bioadapter, as presented at EuroPCR 2020. I identified and sourced the FEA software, installed it at Elixir, performed the analysis and created the illustrations for the presentation.

Zelegent Elevo Handle Design. I cost reduced the needle component so that providing 3 handles pre-loaded with palate implants was practical, then designed a curved handle with a triangular cross section to provide a comfortable grip with multiple hand positions. The ribs in the handle, which control sink during injection molding, form a "Z" for Zelegent.

Arstasis Axera handle, sized to match a 5cc syringe, the handle halves snap together with features built into the hoops in the finger grips and front end of the handle, requiring no mold action to form, reducing up front mold costs and parts cost. The handles incorporate a ship-lap and 0.020" reveal, so they feel solid as an assembly and the seams look good.
The Axera package placed the device diagonally to minimize the size it takes up, and opens like a book to access the device and accessories.

Suture Lock Device designed for Perclose. Squeezing the handle drives a wedge into the locking cylinder, cuts the suture ends, and ejects the lock from the handle in one motion, with only 8 handle parts.
The Perclose A-T (in blue) has a graceful design and a handle that snaps together with gripper pins (eliminating ultrasonic welding and glue). The A-T design (with the addition of a suture cutting feature and a change to monofilament suture to make it the ProGlide) has been on the market for 18 years.

Just for fun, I designed a custom chess set for my nieces. The standard spherical heads of each piece have been replaced with ellipsoids about 2/3 as wide as they are high, giving the pieces a more human appearance. Adornment was kept to a minimum, as I focused on capturing the form of each piece as simply as possible. The pieces were 3d printed, weighted with bolts, and delivered in a custom storage box.